●AOD Tuyere Working Lining: Under very harsh working conditions, always being rigorously eroded by overheated molten steel and high alkaline slag attack, and cool Argon-Oxygen mixed high pressurized gases spray leading to severe thermal shock, interrupted operations cause temperature changes. High Calcia containing MDB and high chrome containing FMK Products are recommended.
●AOD Slag Line Zone Working Lining: Under very harsh working conditions, they are always being attacked by high alkaline slag and endured temperature changes. High Calcia containing MDB and high chrome containing FMK Products are recommended.
●AOD Free Zone & Furnace Bottom Working Lining: Under bad working conditions, they are always being attacked by high alkaline slag, eroded or splashed by molten steel. MDB or DMK Products are recommended.
●AOD Furnace Arch Zone Working Lining: Mainly under mechanical stress damage, MDB or DMK products are recommended, while reinforced castables are alternatives.
●VOD Molten Steel Zone Working Lining: Under vacuum conditions, they are always being eroded and attacked by high alkaline packed-slag molten steel. High chrome containing FMK, DMK and MDB products are recommended.
●VOD Slag Line Zone Working Lining: They are always being attacked by high alkaline slag under the condition of strong vacuum atmosphere and severe temperature changes. MDB and FMK Products are recommended.
●VOD Furnace Bottom Zone Working Lining: Under vacuum and bottom Argon spray working conditions, they are always being eroded by strong current of packed-slag molten steel, and severe temperature changes damage. MDB or high chrome containing FMK products are recommended.
●VOD Furnace Free Zone: Although working conditions are relatively mild, they are always being damaged under the vacuum conditions, temperature changes and high alkaline slag attack. MDB or higher chrome containing DMK products are recommended.
●AOD and VOD Safety Linings: Providing last protection for DEGASSER safety production, medium grade of DMK, HMB or HAB Products are recommended.